Jooyee | 测一测你最能吸引异性的特质是什么?


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“Seriously, you will get a high-performance car this evening,” reads a note on your desk at the end of the day in the office. What would you expect the car to be? 

a. 必须是前卫范,炫酷的造型才能彰显的个性

Avant-garde. Only a stylish look can reflect my unique personality. 

—— Q2

b. 必须是极速范,我为速度而生

Speedy. Acceleration says it all. My life is all about speed.

—— Q3



When you get the keys, what is the first thing you want to do? 

a. 第一时间开回家,带上我爱的人去兜风

Drive home and take my loved one for a ride. 

—— Q3

b. 带啥对象,当然是轰着油门去夜市炸街!

I ride solo. I will speed along at full throttle on the night roads.

—— Q4



Will you share your racing dream with your partner?

a. 呃……我的幻想停留在赛车游戏里

Eh… My fantasies are confined to racing games.

—— Q4

b. 当然!甚至有时候我会跑卡丁车刷一刷圈速

Of course, sometimes we even do some rounds in a go-kart.

—— Q5



Who do you want your driver to be when you get your sports car? 

a. 舒马赫!其实我心中一直有一个F1梦

Michael Schumacher! I have always cherished F1 dreams.

—— Q5

b. 范·迪塞尔!坐上他的副驾,我要在城市街区感受速度与激情

Vin Diesel! I dream of sitting on the passenger seat, staging a Fast and Furious scene.

—— Q6



As you drive along the street, you find that you grab all the attention. What is in the car that attracts everyone? 

a.  一定是它酷炫的外观,如行云流水般的车身线条以及他迷人闪亮黑夜的点睛尾灯

It has to be the car’s cool looks, with its striking body lines and super-cool taillights.

—— Q6

b. 速度!速度!速度!一闪而过的身影及耐人回味的声浪

Speed! Driving fast with a powerful engine roar, it is difficult not to attract attention. 

—— Q8



You find yourself in high spirits as you drive because…?

a. 发动机的轰鸣、震撼的音响,仿佛欧阳靖坐在我车里freestyle

The engine’s thundering sound makes me feel as if MC Jin were doing a freestyle by my side.

—— Q7

b. 对动力和操控迷恋!躁动的性能让我肾上腺素飙升

I am enthralled by its robust power and perfect handling. It gets my adrenalin pumping.

—— Q8



If you work hard and finally can afford your first sports car, what would it be like? 

a. 科技感、运动感、炫酷感,我要三合一

It should be high-tech, sporty and cool.

—— C

b. 追求速度的同时,安全性也不可或缺

It should be both fast and safe.

—— A



In what ways do you think having a car will change your understanding of life?

a. 活在当下,生活一定酷炫精彩,充满挑战的!

Enjoy what you have now. Embrace challenges, and stay cool and excited.

—— Q9

b. 得心应手最重要,在满足操控感的同时,生活中的实用性也要游刃有余

What suits me is the best. Good handling and practical versatility are desired.

—— Q7



You have a chance to drive to Mount Haruna. What’s the thing you most want to do?

a. 转弯!加速!加速!转弯!五连发卡弯不在话下

Turn and accelerate, again turn and accelerate, and try it five times, perfectly completed.

—— D

b. 惬意地欣赏沿途景色,放倒座椅,透过天窗找寻少年/青春的记忆

Enjoy the scenery along the way. Recline the seat to look through the sunroof while reminiscing about the younger days.

—— Q10



What is the most important thing to do after you tour Mount Haruna? 

a. 嘿嘿嘿,当然还是听着high歌和ta兜风啦

Enjoy rhythmic music and take my partner for a tour around the place.

—— B

b. 啧啧啧,埋头苦练!约个好朋友,咱们赛道上实力Battle

Hone my racing skills! Challenge a good friend for a competition there.

—— A



Your most attractive trait: Being profound


You are stable and steady with good control of your life. You don’t seem to be playful, but your life is sure to shine.

全新奥迪RS 3 Limousine 是你进阶超跑之路上不错的启蒙伴侣,个性但不张扬的造型,quattro全时四驱+S tronic七速双离合器变速箱带来的精准操控,在享受人性化、智能化操控的同时,燃动极致性能的全新五缸发动机绝对能挖掘你内心深处的小宇宙!

The All-New Audi RS 3 Limousine, being distinctive yet low-profile, makes an excellent companion for you to begin your super sports car journey. The combination of quattro permanent all-wheel drive and S tronic 7-speed dual clutch gearbox provides accurate handling. Besides human-centric intelligent handling, it offers outstanding power from an all-new high-performance 5-cylinder engine, which will fuel your inner passion. 



Your most attractive trait: Being multifaceted


In your everyday life, you can show your different sides as an effective doer and a thoughtful strategist at the same time. You may be an all-rounder with many different skills and manage yourself well both at home and at work, and a cool driver on the racing track.

从容游弋于高峰车流,纵情呼啸于极速赛道,承载你多面人生的唯有“钢炮之王”全新奥迪RS 3 Limousine。或许白天奔波于城市的你,只有在夜晚才能找寻最真实的自我。

The All-New Audi RS 3 Limousine, the ultimate hot hatch, has a commanding presence on the street and on the racing track alike. It is a good choice for you, capable of conveying you worthily for business in the daytime and taking you on a journey of self-discovery in the nighttime.



Your most attractive trait: Being mesmerizing

你是浪漫多情的感性动物,你是富有情趣的大生活家,你独特的气质,需要一台集前卫的内饰氛围、魅惑的OLED尾灯以及迷人的跑车声浪于一身的极速机器去映衬,这就是全新奥迪TT RS Coupé。当TA进入你的生活,你会发现,这不仅是一台跑车,整个世界仿佛打开了另一种对待你的方式。

You are romantic, sensitive and interesting with a unique prepossessing personality. You need a vehicle which combines a trendy interior, charming OLED taillights, and striking engine roar, that is, the All-New Audi TT RS Coupé. When it enters your life, you will find that it is not just a sports car, but is an opener of a whole new world with all new possibilities. 



Your most attractive trait: Being adventurous

你是个敢于冒险、探索,天生的极致主义者。对于你而言,生来一定要做速度的挑战者。带着你的不妥协,和全新奥迪TT RS Coupé去赛道吧,用3.7秒的百公里加速度,驾驭280公里/小时的速度,这偶尔迸发出的野性,的确会让人上瘾。

You are a born risk-taker and explorer. For you, to live is to take challenges and to drive is to push the boundaries of speed. With your uncompromising spirit, challenge the racing track in the All-New Audi TT RS Coupé which offers zero to 100 km/h acceleration in 3.7 seconds and a top speed of 280 km/h, and you will experience new sensations of speed. 

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