原来情书可以如此简洁,这些外国大咖给中国写了首三字情书丨China in three words
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对中国来说,5年是一个重要的刻度。过去的这5年,是中华民族砥砺奋进的5年。党的十八大以来,中国经济实力迅速、持续地增长,国家综合国力和人民生活水平显著提高,在交通运输、基础建设、互联网等领域也取得了巨大的成就。 China has achieved a rapid and sustained rise of economic might since the 18th CPC National Congress five years ago. Its overall national strength and people's standard of living have improved substantially. Getting closer to the center of the world stage, the country has become stronger and made significant achievements in fields such as transportation, infrastructure and internet industry.
Big 大中国
就像美国战略与国际研究中心(CSIS)费和中国研究项目副主任甘思德(Scott Kennedy)所说的:
"The first word you have to use is big. China is big. It's not just big geographically with the number of people, its effect on the global economy, its effect on markets, on security issues, and just about anything you study with China needs to start with the size. "
BIG in Astronomy
这座500米口径球面射电望远镜(FAST)位于贵州省平塘县大窝凼。它利用贵州天然的喀斯特洼坑作为台址,并在洼坑内铺设数千块单元组成500米球冠状主动反射面。它是世界第一大单口径射电望远镜。 The Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (FAST) is a radio telescope located in the Dawodang depression, a natural basin in Pingtang county, Guizhou province, Southwest China. It consists of a fixed 500 meters (1,600 ft) diameter dish constructed in a natural depression in the landscape. It is the world's largest filled-aperture radio telescope.
BIG Bridge
世界十大最高桥梁里,有八座在中国!而其中有五座都是近五年内造的。 Of the world's 10 tallest bridges, eight can be found in China, with five of them built in the last five years. 世界第一高北盘江大桥位于贵州省六盘水市,于2016年12月建成通车,有565米高,相当于一座200层的摩天大楼!如果把这座桥的钢丝连在一起并拉直,它的长度比从北京到纽约的距离还远,难怪BBC对此惊叹,称它为“中国不可思议的宏伟工程”。 The chart-topper is the Beipanjiang Bridge, 565 meters high, standing equivalent to a 200-storey skyscraper. If all the cables are connected and pulled straight, they will extend longer than the distance between Beijing and New York. No wonder an awestruck BBC reporter called it "China's impossible engineering feat”.
BIG Highway
中国有句古话说得好,要想富?先修路!(You want to be rich? First build a road.)
京新高速公路是一条从中国西部的乌鲁木齐一直连接到北京的高速公路,被称为中国版“66号公路”。这条全长2540公里的公路,是世界上穿越沙漠戈壁最长的一条高速公路。令人惊叹的是,整个工程完成只用了6年。 The Jingxin Expressway, connecting Urumqi city in the west with Beijing in the east is dubbed China's "Route 66". With a length of 2,540 kilometers, it's the world's longest road traversing through the desert. Yet, the entire project was accomplished in just 6 years.
还有“蛟龙号”载人潜水器、C919大型喷气式民用飞机、“复兴号”动车组等等,五年来中国的重大项目建设可谓惊艳世界,无怪乎外国友人称我们为“基建魔术师(Infrastructure Magician)”啦!
Innovative 创新中国
没错,众多外国人纷纷羡慕地表示,中国的“新四大发明”(the Four New Great Chinese Inventions)明明就是高铁、移动支付、共享单车和网购嘛!
对此,经济合作与发展组织(OECD)秘书长安吉尔·葛利亚(Angel Gurria)也表示:
“中国最明显的变化之一是互联网服务的丰富,包括移动支付和共享经济服务。这些创新改变了中国人的生活,在这些领域,中国远远领先于其他许多经济发达的国家。” Dynamic China 活力中国
“One of the most visible changes in China is the abundance of internet-based services, including mobile payments and shared economy services. These innovations have changed Chinese lives, well ahead of many other more economically advanced countries.”
微软大中华区CEO Alain Crozier说:
"每天,我都能感受到中国迸发出的不可思议的能量、热情和前进的势头。我们习惯于技术行业的不断变化,但中国的步伐和规模变化在我看来是独一无二的。" “The energy and enthusiasm and the forward momentum that I feel every day in China is incredible. We are used to constant change in the technology industry, but the pace and the scale of change in China is unique in my opinion.”
Global Leader 领军者
如今,许多人用“Global Leader”来形容今日中国,比如可口可乐中国区主席Curt Ferguson说:
作为世界第二大经济体,中国成为世界全球化的领军角色。 "As the second-largest economy of the world, China has become a champion of globalization. "
Catherine McGuinness 伦敦金融城政策主席
“中国正在成为一个全球主导的力量,中国正在向国际经济开放,在推动绿色金融,可持续发展,一带一路建设等成为主要生力军。 ” "China is becoming a global force, it’s been opening out to the international economy, and it’s been leading the way in issues like green finance, sustainable development and the Belt and Road development, which will lead to global economic growth for the future."
活动# China in three words#
目前,许多大佬已经接受了我们的 #China in three words# 的挑战,让我们先偷瞄一下他们的答案:
▌比尔·盖茨 (Bill Gates)微软公司创始人
信守诺言,雄心勃勃 ,至关重要。 Committed, ambitious and vital.
▌让-保罗 阿贡 欧莱雅集团董事、执行主席
Jean-Paul Agon, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of L’Oreal
快速,创新,包容。 Fast, innovative, inclusive.
▌贺杰睿 汉高大中华区总裁
Jeremy Hunter, Henkel Corp Greater China
创新,可持续,合作。 Innovative, Sustainable, Collaborative.
▌施学理 上好佳董事长
Larry Chan, CEO of Oishi
适应力强,追求进步,热爱挑战。 Resilient, progressive, challenging.
▌拉纳·米特 牛津大学中国研究中心主任
Rana Mitter, director of the University of Oxford China Centre
开放,国际化, 互惠。 Open, global, mutually beneficial.
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