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诺贝尔文学奖的热潮还没有完全消退,最近,在英语世界影响巨大的曼·布克奖(Man Booker Prize for Fiction)颁给了此奖项有史以来的第二位美国作家——乔治·桑德斯(George Saunders)。
曾获得布克奖的作品,有拉什迪(Salman Ruthdie)的《午夜之子》,库切(J M Coetzee)的《迈克尔·K的生活和时代》和《耻》,伊恩·麦克尤恩(Ian McEwan)的《阿姆斯特丹》及玛格丽特·阿特伍德(Margaret Atwood)的《盲刺客》。新晋诺奖得主石黑一雄(Kazuo Ishiguro)的《长日留痕》也得过。
“There was an oil-boom on, which meant that even someone like me could get work in the oil-fields. So after college I went to work in Sumatra, as a field geophysicist.”
The game became filling up an entire suitcase with books sufficient to get me through the next two weeks of camp life.
后来他申请了雪城大学(Syracuse University)的创意写作硕士学位(Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing),不得不说读书真是改变命运!他在那里也遇上了自己的真命天女Paula Redick,两人认识不到三周就订婚了,不到三年就已经有了两个宝宝。
他毕业后做了一段科技记者,96年出版了自己的第一本中短篇集《衰退时期的内战疆土》(CivilWarLand in Bad Decline: stories and a novella),从1997年开始正式回到雪城大学教授创意写作。这个专业在国内也有,都是顶级作家在教授,比如复旦的王安忆,人大的刘震云、阎连科,北师大的莫言和清华的格非等。
说起自己“跨越”的背景,桑德斯称为“odd background”,还说感觉很像“让焊工去设计服装”(Like if you put a welder to designing dresses.)。
CivilWarLand in Bad Decline,翻译为《衰退时期的内战疆土》出版
Tenth of December: Stories,翻译为《十二月十日》出版
我们来试读一本,In Persuasion Nation,中的片段,讲述一个营养条和一个橙子吵架的全过程……
An orange and a Slap-of-Wack bar sit on a counter.
"I have vitamin C," says the orange.
"So do I," says the Slap-of-Wack bar.
"I have natural fiber," says the orange.
"So do I," says the Slap-of-Wack bar.
"You do?" says the orange.
"Are you calling me a liar?" says the Slap-of-Wack bar.
"Oh no," says the orange politely. "I was just under the impression, from reading your label? That you are mostly composed of artificial colors, an innovative edible plastic product, plus high-fructose corn syrup. So I guess I'm not quite sure where the fiber comes in."
"Slap it up your Wack!" shouts the Slap-of-Wack bar, and sails across the counter, jutting one pointy edge into the orange.
"Oh God," the orange says in pain.
"You've got an unsightly gash," says the Slap-of-Wack bar. "Do I have an unsightly gash? I think not. My packaging is intact, weakling."
"I have zero calories of fat," says the orange weakly.
"So do I," says the Slap-of-Wack bar.
"How can that possibly be the case?" says the orange in frustration. "You are composed of 80 percent high-fructose corn syrup."
"Slap it up your Wack!" shouts the Slap-of-Wack bar, and sails across the counter and digs its edge into the orange over and over, sending the orange off the counter and into the garbage can, where it is leered at by a perverted-looking chicken carcass and two evil empty cans of soda.
"Now you have zero of zero of zero," says the Slap-of-Wack bar.
"The Slap-of-Wack bar," says the voice-over. "For when you're feeling Wacky!"
然而因为在中短篇上(short stories and novellas)的巨大成就,除了有时也写写儿童文学之外,到某一个时刻,作家感觉自己再写就是在重复自己了。
I tried a couple of times and it didn't work, and I just thought: Either don't do it, or wait until you've enough life to do it justice.
这就是获奖的《林肯在中阴界》(Lincoln in the Bardo)。这是一部带有很强的实验性(experimental)的小说,当读者开始习惯他的叙述方式和架构的时候,方觉意犹未尽,有评论家建议别在公众场所看,“你会挂着眼泪而又忍不住大声笑出来”。
Keep going, read the novel, Google later.
It’s very pleasing thing to watch a writer you have enjoyed for years reach an even higher level of achievement...a luminous feat of generosity and humanism.
它能从144部作品中脱颖而出,评委会主席洛拉·杨(Lola Young)是这么说的:
Gosh, the winner stands out because of its innovation, because of the way in which it’s written. One of the judges describe it as being like fireworks that light up the sky, and make you re-think how you thought about things, death and grief and bereavement, and reconciling oneself to one’s own mortality, and the mortality of others, especially the loved ones.
"Intermediate state" between death and reincarnation when the soul is not connected to a body.
Partly to help the reader not to bring too many preconceptions to it... in a book about the afterlife, it's good to destabilize all of the existing beliefs as much as you can.
许多年前,我在华盛顿特区开车经过Oak Hill公墓时,同在车上的表妻弟指着山上一块地穴说了一段关于林肯总统的逸闻。那是1862年2月,南北战争胶着之际,林肯年仅11 岁的爱子威利(Abraham Lincoln's son William "Willie" Wallace Lincoln)溘然病逝,林肯陷入无尽的悲痛之中。葬礼结束后,传说林肯数次独自返回Oak Hill墓地的地穴,抱起他死去孩子的尸体,陷入悲痛久久不能回神……
Many years ago, during a visit to Washington DC, my wife's cousin pointed out to us a crypt on a hill and mentioned that, in 1862, while Abraham Lincoln was president, his beloved son, Willie, died, and was temporarily interred in that crypt, and that the grief-stricken Lincoln had, according to the newspapers of the day, entered the crypt "on several occasions" to hold the boy's body…
I carried that image around for the next 20-odd years, too scared to try something that seemed so profound, and then finally, in 2012, noticing that I wasn't getting any younger, not wanting to be the guy whose own gravestone would read "Afraid to Embark on Scary Artistic Project He Desperately Longed to Attempt", decided to take a run at it, in exploratory fashion, no commitments.”
For example: I loved the idea of Lincoln, alone at night in the graveyard. But how is a novel made from one guy in a graveyard at night? Unless we want to write a 300-page monologue in the voice of Lincoln (“Four score and seven minutes ago, I did enter this ghastly place”) or inject a really long-winded and omniscient gravedigger into the book (we don’t, trust me, I tried), we need some other presences there in the graveyard.
Is this a problem? Well, it sure felt like one, back in 2012. But, as new age gurus are always assuring us, a “problem” is actually an “opportunity”. In art, this is true.
In this case, the solution was pretty simple – contained, joke-like, in the very statement of the problem (“Who else might be in a graveyard late at night?”).
So: the book would be narrated by a group of monologuing ghosts stuck in that graveyard.
And suddenly what was a problem really did become an opportunity。
这样在文中发声的角色有166个。桑德斯很喜欢自己朗读把文章变成有声书(audible books),这次需要请大量的帮手了。
An extended series of brief quotations from letters, diaries, newspaper articles, personal testimonies and later scholars, each one meticulously attributed.
Abraham Lincoln must stop being the father to a lost boy and assume his role as a father to a nation, one on the brink of cataclysm, says Whitehead.
Lincoln in the Bardo can also be read as a deeply optimistic novel about the possibility of self-knowledge and personal change.
“It’s almost like if you had an apartment that someone had decorated generically and then, every day, you took out one thing and replaced it with something you like better,” he says. “At some point you look up and you have this form that you couldn’t have thought of in advance but has evolved to meet the emotional needs of the book.”
下面为大家献上《林肯在中阴界》一段中英文对照试读。(卢肖慧 译)
On our wedding day I was forty-six, she was eighteen. Now, I know what you are thinking: older man (not thin, somewhat bald, lame in one leg, teeth of wood) exercises the marital prerogative, thereby mortifying the poor young—
But that is false.
That is exactly what I refused to do, you see.
On our wedding night I clumped up the stairs, face red with drink and dance, found her arrayed in some thinnish thing an aunt had forced her into, silk collar fluttering slightly with her quaking—and could not do it.
Speaking to her softly, I told her my heart: she was beautiful; I was old, ugly, used up; this match was strange, had its roots not in love but expedience; her father was poor, her mother ill. That was why she was here. I knew all of this very well. And would not dream of touching her, I said, when I could see her fear and—the word I used was “distaste.”
She assured me she did not feel “distaste” even as I saw her (fair, flushed) face distort with the lie.
I proposed that we should be…friends. Should behave outwardly, in all things, as if we had consummated our arrangement. She should feel relaxed and happy in my home and endeavor to make it her own. I would expect nothing more of her.
And that is how we lived. We became friends. Dear friends. That was all. And yet that was so much. We laughed together, made decisions about the household—she helped me bear the servants more in mind, speak to them less perfunctorily. She had a fine eye and accomplished a successful renovation of the rooms at a fraction of the expected cost. To see her brighten when I came in, find her leaning into me as we discussed some household matter, improved my lot in ways I cannot adequately explain. I had been happy, happy enough, but now I often found myself uttering a spontaneous prayer that went, simply: She is here, still here. It was as if a rushing river had routed itself through my house, which was pervaded now by a freshwater scent and the awareness of something lavish, natural, and breathtaking always moving nearby.
At dinner one evening, unprompted, before a group of my friends, she sang my praises—said I was a good man: thoughtful, intelligent, kind.
As our eyes met I saw that she had spoken in earnest.
Next day, she left a note on my desk. Although shyness prevented her from expressing this sentiment in speech or action, the note said, my kindness to her had resulted in an effect much to be desired: she was happy, was indeed comfortable in our home, and desired, as she put it, to “expand the frontiers of our happiness together in that intimate way to which I am, as yet, a stranger.” She requested that I guide her in this as I had guided her “in so many other aspects of adulthood.”
中国作家和布克奖也有很深渊源。原因是主营投资管理的曼氏集团另有一项布克国际奖,The Man Booker International Prize for Fiction。此前为两年一评,致敬某位作家的所有作品,但后来改成一部在英国出版过的翻译作品。
此外还有一项曾经在2007-2012年间出现过的曼氏亚洲文学奖(The Man Asian Literary Prize),有英语译本或用英语创作的亚洲作家都可入选。
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