Jooyee | 微信天天看你的聊天记录?微信隐私保护指引条款双语对照



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Weixin Privacy Protection Guideline


Updated: 22nd August 2017 
Effective Date: 22nd August 2017


Weixin is a social networking service provided by Tencent. This Guideline will explain how Weixin collects, uses and stores your personal information, along with the rights you are entitled to. We will use this Guideline to explain the relevant details, including the following:

i. 我们将逐一说明我们收集的你的个人信息类型及其对应的用途,以便你了解我们针对某一特定功能所收集的具体个人信息的类别、使用理由及收集方式。

i. We will describe the types of personal information we collect and their corresponding use in order for you to understand how we collect specific type of personal information for a particular function, the reasons for its use and the methods of such collection.

ii. 当你使用一些功能时,我们会在获得你的同意后,收集你的一些敏感信息,例如你在使用微信运动功能时我们会收集你的步数信息,你在使用推荐通讯录朋友功能时我们会收集你的手机联系人信息,你在使用附近的人和摇一摇功能时我们会收集你的位置信息。除非按照相关法律法规要求必须收集,拒绝提供这些信息仅会使你无法使用相关特定功能,但不影响你正常使用微信的其他功能。

ii. Whilst using some features, we will collect your personal information after obtaining your consent. For example, when you use Weixin’s “Movement” function, we will collect information on the number of your steps taken; where you use the “recommended contacts/friends” function, we will collect your mobile contact information; and where you use the “people nearby” and “shake” function, we will collect your location information. Unless it is required by the relevant laws and regulations for you to provide such information, refusing to provide such information will only result in your not being able to use the specific functions relating to such information, but does not affect your normal use of other functions of Weixin.

iii. 目前,微信不会主动共享或转让你的个人信息至第三方,如存在其他共享或转让你的个人信息情形时,我们会征得你的明示同意。

iii. At present, Weixin will not actively share or transfer your personal information to any third parties. Where the sharing or transferring of your personal information arises in some other situation, we will obtain your prior express consent.

iv. 目前,微信不会主动从第三方获取你的个人信息。如未来为业务发展需要从第三方间接获取你的个人信息,我们会在获取前向你明示你个人信息的来源、类型及使用范围,如微信开展业务需进行的个人信息处理活动超出你原本向第三方提供个人信息时的授权同意范围,我们将在处理你的该等个人信息前,征得你的明示同意;此外,我们也将会严格遵守相关法律法规的规定,并要求第三方保障其提供的信息的合法性。

iv. At present, Weixin will not actively obtain your personal information from a third party. If there is a requirement to obtain your personal information indirectly from a third party for future business development purposes, we will clarify with you the source, type and scope of such personal information, For example, if the processing of personal information for a specific development is beyond the scope of what you originally agreed to provide to a third party, we will obtain your prior express consent before processing your personal information, and we will strictly abide by the relevant laws and regulations and require that the third party guarantees the legitimacy of the information provided.

v. 你可以通过本指引所列途径访问、更正、删除你的个人信息,也可以撤回同意、注销帐号、投诉举报以及设置隐私功能。

v. You can access, correct and delete your personal information through the instructions listed in this Guideline, or you can withdraw your consent, cancel your account, report complaints and manage your privacy settings.


1. 我们收集的信息

2. 信息的存储

3. 信息安全

4. 我们如何使用信息

5. 对外提供

6. 你的权利

7. 变更

8. 未成年人保护

9. 其它

10. 联系我们

For more detailed information on the above, please refer to the relevant sections in following index:

1. The Information We Collect

2. The Location and Time Period of Storing Information

3. Information Security

4. How We Use Information

5. External Parties

6. Your Rights

7. Amendments

8. Protection of minors

9. Others

10. Contact us



1.The Information We Collect

In the process of using Weixin service, Weixin will, in accordance with the following ways, collect information provided by you during the use of the service or information generated by the use of the service, in order to provide such services to you, to optimize our services and protect your account security:

1.1 当你注册微信服务时,我们会收集你的昵称、头像、手机号码,收集这些信息是为了帮助你完成微信注册,保护你微信帐号的安全。手机号码属于敏感信息,收集此类信息是为了满足相关法律法规的网络实名制要求。若你不提供这类信息,你可能无法正常使用我们的服务。你还可以根据自身需求选择填写性别、地区等信息。此外,你可以选择向我们提供你的声纹特征值信息,该信息属于敏感信息,拒绝提供该信息仅会使你无法使用声纹锁功能,但不影响你正常使用微信的其他功能。

1.1 When you register with Weixin service, we will collect your name, profile picture, and mobile phone number in order to assist you completing Weixin registration and to protect your Weixin account security. Mobile phone numbers are considered to be sensitive information. As such, the collection of such information is to meet the relevant laws and regulations of the identity verification network system requirements. If you do not provide such information, you may not be able to use our services properly. You may also choose to fill in gender, region and other information in accordance to your own preference. In addition, you may choose to provide us with your voice biometrics, which is sensitive information. Refusing to provide us with such information will only render the voiceprint function useless, but will not affect your normal use of other functions in Weixin.

1.2 当你使用微信服务时,为保障你正常使用我们的服务,我们会收集你的设备型号、操作系统、唯一设备标识符、登陆IP地址、微信软件版本号、接入网络的方式和类型、设备加速器(如重力感应设备)、操作日志等日志信息,这类信息是为提供服务必须收集的基础信息。

1.2 When you use Weixin’s service, in order to ensure the normal use of our services, we will collect your device model, operating system, unique device identifier, login IP address, Weixin version number, access network mode and type, equipment accelerators (such as gravity sensing equipment), operation logs and other log information. Such information is required to provide you with Weixin’s service and are basic information which must be collected.

1.3 当你使用微信朋友圈功能时,你上传的朋友圈照片、评论、点赞等信息会存储在我们的服务器中,因为存储是实现这一功能所必需的。我们会以加密的方式存储,你也可以随时删除这些信息。

1.3 When you use Weixin’s Moments function, your uploaded photos, comments, “likes” and other information will be stored in our server, because the storage of such information is necessary for this function to work. We will store such information in an encrypted manner, and you may delete it at any time.

1.4 当你使用微信公众帐号、微信小程序等功能时,未经你的许可,微信不会向微信公众帐号运营者、小程序开发者公开、透露你的个人信息。

1.4 When you use Weixin’s public accounts, Weixin’s mini programmes and other functions, Weixin will not reveal and disclose your personal information to Weixin’s public account’s operators or small program developers without your permission.

1.5 当你使用微信附近的人、摇一摇以及面对面建群等功能时,我们会在获得你的同意后,记录你的地理位置信息,目的是为了向你提供该服务。该信息属于敏感信息,拒绝提供该信息仅会使你无法使用上述功能,但不影响你正常使用微信的其他功能。此外,你也可以随时关闭相关功能并在该功能内清除你的地理位置信息。

1.5 When you use Weixin’s “People Nearby”, “Shake”, Join Private Group” and other functions, we will obtain your consent prior to recording your location information, for the purpose of providing you with such service. Such information is sensitive information, refusing to provide such information may only result in you being unable to use the above functions, but does not affect your normal use of Weixin’s other functions. In addition, you can always turn off the relevant features and clear your location information within that feature.

1.6 当你使用微信运动功能时,我们需要收集你的步数信息,与你的好友进行比较。该信息属于敏感信息,拒绝提供这些信息仅会使你无法使用微信运动功能,但不影响你正常使用微信的其他功能。

1.6 When you use Weixin’s movement function, we will collect information regarding the number of your steps, and compare it with your friends’. Such information is sensitive information, refusing to provide such information may only result in you being unable to use the above function, but does not affect your normal use of Weixin’s other functions.

1.7 当你使用通讯录功能时,我们会对你的通讯录信息进行不可逆加密,并仅收集加密后的信息。上述信息属于敏感信息,拒绝提供该信息仅会使你无法使用上述功能,但不影响你正常使用微信的其他功能。

1.7 When you use the "recommended contacts/friends” function, we will conduct an irreversible encryption on your information, and only collect encrypted information. Such information is sensitive information, refusing to provide such information may result in you being unable to use the above function, but does not affect your normal use of Weixin’s other functions.

1.8 微信支付功能由财付通公司向你提供服务。当你开通微信支付功能时,财付通会收集你的姓名、银行卡类型及卡号、有效期及银行预留手机号。当你使用微信支付时,财付通公司还会收集你的相关支付记录以便于你查询。上述信息属于敏感信息,拒绝提供该信息仅会使你无法使用微信支付功能,但不影响你正常使用微信的其他功能。

1.8 The Weixin payment service is provided to you by Tenpay. When you enable the Weixin payment function, Tenpay will collect your name, type of card and card number, validity and the mobile phone number linked to your bank. When you use Weixin to pay, the company will also collect relevant payment records in order to facilitate your queries. Such information is sensitive information, refusing to provide such information may result in you being unable to use the Weixin payment service, but does not affect your normal use of Weixin’s other functions.

1.9 微信服务中的第三方服务由外部第三方主体提供,微信无法获得你在使用该类第三方服务时产生的信息。但是,如果你已明示同意该第三方获得你的地理位置信息,该第三方将通过微信获得终端地理位置信息接口,此时微信和第三方均会获得你的地理位置信息。该信息属于敏感信息,拒绝提供该信息仅会使你无法使用上述第三方服务,但不影响你正常使用微信的功能。

1.9 The third party services in Weixin service is provided by external third party entities, and Weixin cannot obtain the information generated by you when using such third party services. However, if you have expressly agreed for the third party to obtain your location information, the third party will obtain location information through Weixin’s port, Weixin and third parties will acquire your location information. Such information is sensitive information, refusing to provide such information may result in you being unable to use the above third party services, but does not affect your normal use of Weixin’s other functions.


Please note that at present, Weixin will not actively obtain your personal information from a third party. In the event that we need to obtain your personal information indirectly from a third party for future business developments, we will inform the source, type and scope of the use of your personal information to you prior to obtaining such information. For example where Weixin requires to process personal information for a specific development which is beyond the scope of what you originally agreed to provide to a third party, we will obtain your prior express consent before processing your personal information; In addition, we will strictly abide by the relevant laws and regulations, and require that third parties guarantee the legitimacy of the information provided.


2.1  信息存储的地点


2.Storage of Information

2.1  Where Information is Stored

We will act in accordance with laws and regulations and store personal information collected within the territory in China.

2.2  信息存储的期限





2.2  The Duration Storing Information

In general, we will only keep your personal information for the time necessary to achieve a specific purpose, for example:

Mobile phone number:When you use Weixin service, we will need to store your mobile phone number to ensure your normal use of the service; when you delete your Weixin account, we will delete the corresponding information;

Information in Moments: When you post in Moments, we will need to save your information in Mo ments to ensure your normal use of the Moments function; when you delete your information in Moments, we will delete the corresponding information.

In the event where we cease our products or services, we will notify you in the form of push notifications, announcements, etc., and delete your personal information or anonymize such information within a reasonable period of time.




3.Information Security

We strive to secure users' information to prevent information leakage, improper use, unauthorized access or disclosure.

We will use a variety of security measures to ensure the security of information within reasonable security standards. For example, we will use encryption technology (for example, SSL), data anonymization and other means to protect your personal information.




We have set up specialized management systems, processes and organizations to ensure the security of information. For example, we strictly limit the range of people who may access such information and require them to comply with the confidentiality obligations and conduct audits.

In the case of information leakage or other incidents involving information security, we will initiate contingency plans to prevent the wide spread of security incidents and inform you in the form of push notifications and announcements.

At present, Weixin’s information security has achieved ISO27001, the international information security management system standards and other international certification requirements of the authorities, and has received the appropriate certifications.



4.How We Use Information

We may use information collected by certain features for our other services. For example, we may use the information we collect when you use one of our features, and provide you with specific content in another service, including, but not limited to display ads in another service.



In order to ensure the security of our services, and to enable us to better understand the operations of our applications, we may record information such as your frequency of using our applications, crash logs, overall usage, performance data, and the sources that apps are installed from. We will not combine the information stored in the analytics software with any personally identifiable information you provide in the application.

Where we utilize your personal information beyond the scope of our collection statement or a direct or reasonable connection, we will inform you and obtain your prior express consent again before using your personal information in such situations.




5.External Partie

At present, we will not actively share or transfer your personal information to a third party. If there are other circumstances in which your personal information is to be shared or transferred, we will obtain your prior express consent.

We will not publicly disclose personal information collected by us. If we have to disclose such information publicly, we will inform you of the purpose of such disclosure, type of information disclosed and the sensitive information that may be involved, and obtain your prior express consent.


As our business continues to develop, we may engage in mergers, acquisitions, transfers of assets, etc. We will inform you of such circumstances and continue to protect your personal information and require new controllers to continue to protect your personal information in accordance with the laws and regulations and the standards as strict as required by this Guideline.



6.Your Rights

During your course of using Weixin, in order to provide you with an easier way to access, change, delete your personal information while ensuring you with the right to withdraw your consent regarding the use of personal information and the right to cancel your account, we have provided you with the applicable function when designing the product. You may refer to the following operational Guideline. In addition, we have also set up a report and complaints channel, in order to address your feedback in a timely manner.

6.1 访问个人信息


1)  进入微信后,点击“我”;

2)  点击头像栏;

3)  进行信息查询访问。


1)  进入微信后,点击“我”;

2)  点击“设置”;

3)  点击“帐号与安全”;

4)  访问微信号、手机号、微信密码、声音锁、QQ号、邮箱地址、应急联系人;


1)  进入微信后,点击“我”;

2)  点击相册;

3)  点击需要访问的朋友圈信息;


1)  进入微信后,点击“发现”;

2)  点击“游戏”;

3)  点击右上角“”;

4)  访问及设置你要展示的游戏信息。


1)  进入微信后,点击“我”;

2)  点击“设置”;

3)  点击“隐私”;

4)  点击“通讯录黑名单”进行查询。

6.1 Access Personal Information

6.1.1 Access your profile picture, name, Weixin ID, QR code, gender, region, what’s up, address and other basic information:

1)  After entering Weixin, tap on "Me”;

2)  Tap on the column with your profile picture;

3)  Access your information.

6.1.2 Access your Weixin ID, mobile phone number, Weixin password, voiceprint, QQ number, email address, emergency contacts:

1)  After entering Weixin, tap on "Me”;

2)  Tap on"Settings";

3)  Tap on "Account Security";

4)  Access your Weixin ID, mobile phone number, Weixin password, voiceprint, QQ number, email address, emergency contacts.

6.1.3 Access your posts in Moments:

1)  After entering Weixin, tap on "Me”;

2)  Tap on the image album;

3)  Tap on the post in Moments you would like to access.

6.1.4 Access and manage the Weixin games display function:

1)  After entering Weixin, Tap on "Discover";

2)  Tap on “Games”

3)  Tap on "" at the upper right corner;

4)  Access and manage the games information you want to display.

6.1.5 Access “Blocked List”

1)  After entering Weixin, tap on "Me”;

2)  Tap on "Settings";

3)  Tap on "Privacy";

4)  Tap on “Blocked List” to view.




1)  进入微信后,打开对话,点击右上角“”图标;

2)  点击清空聊天记录。


1)  进入微信后,打开对话,点击右上角“”图标;

2)  点击清空聊天记录。


1)  进入微信后,打开对话,长按点击一条需要删除的消息;

2)  选择“删除”,删除此条消息;


1)  进入微信后,点击“我”;

2)  点击头像栏;

3)  删除信息。


1)  进入微信后,点击“我”;

2)  点击相册;

3)  点击需要访问的朋友圈信息;

4)  点击右上角“”,删除朋友圈信息。

6.2 Deleting Personal Information

6.2.1 Delete one-to-one chat history:

1)  After entering Weixin, select and open the specific chat history, tap on "" at the upper right corner;

2)  Tap on “Clear Chat History”.

6.2.2 Deleting Group Chat history:

1)  After entering Weixin, select and open the specific chat history, tap on "" at the upper right corner;

2)  Tap on “Clear Chat History”.

6.2.3 Delete parts of the chat history:

1)  After entering Weixin, select and open the specific chat history, press and hold on the specific message to be deleted;

2)  Select "Delete" to delete the message.

6.2.4 Delete your profile picture, name, gender, region, address and other basic information (Weixin ID and two-dimensional code cannot be modified):

1)  After entering Weixin, tap on "Me”;

2)  Tap on the column with your profile picture;

3)  Delete information.

6.2.5 Delete a post in Moments:

1)  After entering Weixin, tap on "Me”;

2)  Tap on the image album;

3)  Tap on the post in Moments you wish to access;

4)  Tap on "" at the upper right corner to delete the post in Moments.




1)  进入微信后,点击“我”;

2)  点击头像栏;

3)  更改头像、昵称、性别、地区、个性签名、我的地址。


1)  进入微信后,点击“我”;

2)  点击“设置”;

3)  点击“帐号与安全”;

4)  更改手机号、微信密码、声音锁、应急联系人。

6.3 Amending Your Personal Information

6.3.1 Changing profile photo, name, gender, region, what’s up, address:

1)  After entering Weixin, tap on "Me”;

2)  Tap on the column with your profile picture;

3)  Change your picture, name, gender, region, personalized signature, address.

6.3.2 Change your mobile phone number, Weixin password, voiceprint, emergency contacts:

1)  After entering Weixin, tap on "Me”;

2)  Tap on "Settings";

3)  Tap on "Account Security";

4)  Change your mobile phone number, Weixin password, voiceprint, emergency contacts.



1) 进入微信后,点击“我”;

2) 点击“设置”;

3) 点击“隐私”;

4) 可关闭“向我推荐通讯录朋友”。


1)  进入微信后,点击“发现”;

2)  点击“附近的人”(打开);

3)  打开后,点击右上角“”;

4)  点击“清除位置信息并退出”(关闭)。


1) 进入微信后,点击“我”;

2) 点击“设置”;

3) 点击“通用”;

4) 点击“功能”;

5) 点击“微信运动”;

6) 点击“停用”;

7) 点击“清空并停用”


1) 进入微信后,点击“我”;

2) 点击“设置”;

3) 点击“通用”;

4) 点击“功能”;

5) 点击“摇一摇”;

6) 点击“停用”;

7) 点击“清空并停用”。


1) 进入微信后,点击“我”;

2) 点击“钱包”;

3) 点击“银行卡”;

4) 点击具体要删除的银行卡;

5) 点击右上角“”;

6) 点击“解除绑定”。

6.4 Withdraw Permission

6.4.1 Disable Recommended Friends from Mobile Contacts

1) After entering Weixin, tap on "Me”;

2) Tap on "Settings";

3) Tap on "Privacy";

4) Tap on "Find Mobile Contacts" to turn it off.

6.4.2 Disable the “People Nearby” setting:

1)  After entering Weixin, Tap on "Discover";

2)  Tap on "nearby people" (open);

3)  Tap on "" at the upper right corner;

4)  Tap "Clear Location " (close).

6.4.3 Disable Weixin’s “Movement” function

1) After entering Weixin, tap on "Me”;

2) Tap on "Settings";

3) Tap on "General";

4) Tap on "Features";

5) Tap on "Weixin Movement";

6) Tap on "Disable";

7) Tap on "Clear and Disable".

6.4.4 Disable the “Shake” function

1) After entering Weixin, tap on "Me”;

2) Tap on "Settings";

3) Tap on "General";

4) Tap on "Features";

5) Tap on "Shake";

6) Tap on "Disable";

7) Tap on "Clear and Disable".

6.4.5 Delete Weixin Payment’s Cards

1) After entering Weixin, tap on "Me”;

2) Tap on "Wallet";

3) Tap on “Cards”

4) Tap on the specific bank linked card to be deleted;

5) Tap on "" at the upper right corner;

6) Tap on "Unlink".




1) 进入微信后,点击“我”;

2) 点击“设置”;

3) 点击“帐号与安全”;

4) 点击“微信安全中心”;

5) 点击“注销帐号”

注: 当你注销帐号后,我们将删除或匿名化处理你的个人信息


1) 进入微信后,点击“我”;

2) 点击“钱包”;

3) 点击右上角“ ”;

4) 点击“支付安全”;

5) 点击“注销微信支付”;


1)  进入微信后,点击“我”;

2) 点击“设置”;

3) 点击“关于微信”;

4) 点击“投诉”;

6.5 Delete Account Cancellation

6.5.1 Delete Weixin Account

1) After entering Weixin, tap on "Me”;

2) Tap on "Settings";

3) Tap on "Account Security";

4) Tap on "Weixin Security Center";

5) Tap on "Delete Account"

Note: After you have deleted your account, we will delete or anonymize your personal information

6.5.2 Disable Weixin Payment

1) After entering Weixin, tap on "Me”;

2) Tap on "Wallet";

3) Tap on "" at the upper right corner;

4) Tap on "Payment Security";

5) Tap on "Disable Weixin Payment";

6.6 Feedback

1)  After entering Weixin, tap on "Me”;

2) Tap on "Settings";

3) Tap on "About";

4) Tap on “Feedback”.




1)  进入微信后,点击“我”;

2)  点击“设置”;

3)  点击“隐私”;

4)  点击“加我为朋友时需要验证”进行更改。


1)  进入微信后,点击“我”;

2)  点击“设置”;

3)  点击“隐私”;

4)  点击“添加我的方式”进行更改。


1)  进入微信后,点击“我”;

2)  点击“设置”;

3)  点击“隐私”;

4)  开启/关闭-朋友圈入口。


1)  进入微信后,点击“我”;

2)  点击“设置”;

3)  点击“隐私”;


4)  可设置“允许朋友查看朋友圈的范围”;

5)  可设置是否“允许陌生人查看十条朋友圈”。


1)  进入微信后,选择需要设置的好友;

2)  选中好友“详细资料”后,单击右上角“”;

3)  点击“设置朋友圈权限”;

4)  选择“不让他(她)看我的朋友圈”或“不看他(她)的动态”。


1) 进入微信后,点击“发现”;

2) 点击朋友圈;

3) 长按右上角“相机”图标;


6.7 Privacy Settings

6.7.1 Manage Friend Confirmation:

1)  After entering Weixin, tap on "Me”;

2)  Tap on "Settings";

3)  Tap on "Privacy";

4)  Tap on "Friend Confirmation" to make changes.

6.7.2 Manage how users add you as a friend:

1)  After entering Weixin, tap on "Me”;

2)  Tap on "Settings";

3)  Tap on "Privacy";

4)  Tap on "Methods for Friending Me" to make changes.

6.7.3 Manage your Moments:

1)  After entering Weixin, tap on "Me”;

2)  Tap on "Settings";

3)  Tap on "Privacy";

4)  Enable/disable the “Moments”.

6.7.4 Review your Moments’ public settings:

1)  After entering Weixin, tap on "Me”;

2)  Tap on "Settings";

3)  Tap on "Privacy";

In the "Don’t Share My Moments", you can review the list of friends you do not want to share your Moments with, in the "Hide User’s Moments", you can review the list of friends whose Moments you do not want to view;

4)  You can also manage "the scope of Moments viewable by others";

5)  You can also choose whether to "allow strangers to access latest 10 Moments ".

6.7.5 Manage your Moments’ public settings:

1)  After entering Weixin, select the friend’s profile you wish to customize;

2)  After selecting your friend’s profile, tap on "" at the upper right corner;

3)  Tap on "Manage permission to view Moments";

4)  Select "Don’t Share My Moments" or "Hide His (Her) Moments".

6.7.6 Manage the location settings and privacy range of your posts in Moments:

1) After entering Weixin, tap on "Discover";

2) Tap on “Moments”;

3) Press and hold the "Camera" icon at the upper right corner;

You can select "Location", "Share to", "Mention" etc.




We may revise this Guideline in due course. In the event where the terms of this Guideline are amended, we will show you amended Guideline by way of push notifications and/or pop-up windows when you log in or when the APP version has been updated. Please note that we will follow the updated Guideline to collect, use and store your personal information only after you have tapped on the consent button in the pop-up window.




8.Protection of minors

We place great importance in the protection of personal information of minors. If you are a minor under the age of 18, according to the relevant laws and regulations, your parents’ or legal guardian's written consent should be obtained prior to you use of Weixin service. If you are a legal guardian of a minor, you may contact us through the contact information specified in Section 10 where you have queries regarding the personal information of your minors.




Tencent’s "Privacy Policy" is Tencent’s unified application of the general privacy terms, where the prescription of users’ rights and information security measures are applicable to Weixin users. Where there are any inconsistencies or conflicts between Tencent's "Privacy Policy" and this Guideline, this Guideline will prevail.



当你有其他的投诉、建议、未成年人个人信息相关问题时,请通过 http://kf.qq.com/ 与我们联系。你也可以将你的问题发送至Dataprivacy@tencent.com或寄到如下地址:

中国广东省深圳市南山区科技中一路腾讯大厦 法务部 数据及隐私保护中心(收)






10.Contact us

If you have any other complaints, suggestions, or querries regarding personal information of minors, please contact us at http://kf.qq.com/. You can also send your queries to Dataprivacy@tencent.com or to the following address:

Tencent Legal Department (Privacy & Data Protection Centre), Tencent Building, Kejizhongyi Avenue, Hi-tech Park, Nanshan District, Shenzhen;

Postcode: 518057

We will review your queries as soon as possible and respond within thirty days after verifying your identity.



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