Charming Spring Night
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何志范 译 醉人的春夜
“再遇到人,一定开口。”陈静想着,抬头望了望胡同里昏黄的路灯。夜深了,到处是一片片黑勘黝的怪影。“唉!这倒霉的自行车!”她从心底发出一声无可奈何的喟叹。 “If anyone else comes by, I'll ask,”Chen Jing thought as she peered into the dim light in the street. It was nearly mid-night and eerily dark all around her. “Stupid bike!”She heaved a helpless sigh of disappointment.
身后传来一串自行车铃声,陈静只来得及“哎”了一声,骑车的小伙子已经一掠而过。咦!骑车的小伙子又回来了。陈静心里却紧张起来:“这么晚了,他……”“您刚才喊我?”小伙子跳下车。“啊,没。”矜持和自卫的心理占了上风,她语无伦次了。Just then a bicycle bell rang out behind her. “Ah!” she exclaimed as a young cyclist flashed past. She watched nervously as the young rider returned a moment later, thinking to herself, “Oh, dear…it’s so dark, what will he…”“Did you say something?” the young man asked as he got off his bike.“No.” Worried for her own safety, heart pounding, she was tongue—tied.
“是车子坏了吧?”一双似笑非笑的细长眼睛望着她。陈静稍稍镇静了一下:“链子卡在大套里了。”她讷讷着,低着头,心里升起一线希望的光。“那,我也爱莫能助了。没工具,谁也拆不开大链套呀。”陈静心里又是一片黑暗。“你家远吗?”“我家?”她没了主意,下意识地推着车子往前走了几步。“这样吧,胡同口外左边,有个车辅,这会儿可能还有人,你去看看吧!”小伙子在她身后跨上车子,边说边飞快地骑跑了。“这号人!”陈静差点哭了。十一点了,哪家的车辅这时候还有人?她心里咒那小伙子:“骗人!叫你今晚做个噩梦。” “Is your bike broken?” He gazed at her with what seemed to be a faint smile in his long, narrow eyes. Chen Jing composed herself and murmured, “Something’s wrong with the chain. “She lowered her head nervously, while secretly hoping this young man could help her out of her predicament. “Oh…Well, I can’t help with that. You’d need the right kind of tools to fix that.” The ray of hope quickly faded. Chen Jing was frustrated. “Is your home far from here?” the young man asked. “My home?” She hesitated to answer, instead pushing her bike a few steps farther down the road. “O.K.” the young man continued. “Go down to the end of the lane. To the left there is a bike shop. Most likely it is still open. Go have a look.” With these instructions, he straddled his bike once again and pedaled off. “Big help you are!” Chen Jing was close to tears. It was almost midnight. What bike shop would still be open at this hour? Inwardly she cursed the young man. “Sheer nonsense! I hope you have a nightmare tonight!”
不信归不信,出了胡同口,陈静忍不住真朝左手方向看了一眼。便道上,果然有间小屋还亮着灯。她踌躇地站住了。小屋里走出一位二十来岁的姑娘,冲着陈静喊:“同志,来吧!”“哎呀,真是车辅!”陈静觉得周围一下子亮了起来,沮丧、恐惧,一股脑儿没了。Although she didn’t dare believe it, Chen Jing could not help but cast a glance to the left as she reached the end of the lane. sure enough, there was a small house nearby with a light on. she hesitated, then stopped., from the house came a 20-year-old girl waving directly at Chen Jing. “Come on in!” “Hey, this is for real!” instantly, Chen Jing brightened up and her despair and fear disappeared.
这是间临街筒子房,通里屋的门关着。外面这间,只有一桌一床和一辆自行车。一个年轻人正蹲在桌边翻看什么。“请进,就是地方小了点。”年轻人站起身,手里拿着把改锥。陈静一愣:“是你?”“是我。”年轻人笑了:“我说有人嘛,还能骗您。”It was a two-room house, facing the street. The inner door was shut, while in the outer room stood only a table, a bed and a bike. A young man was crouching by the table, busily searching for something. “Come in, please.” The young man rose to his feet and greeted her, a screwdriver in hand. “I’m sorry… this room is so small…” Chen Jing was astonished, “You?” “Yes, it’s me.” The young man blinked as he smiled slyly. “I wasn’t lying to you about the shop, right? ”
他狡黠地眨了眨细长的眼睛。“我哥送我嫂子上夜班,回来就急火火地把我叫起来,说有要事,原来是……”跟在陈静后面的姑娘说话像是放机枪。“还是有个体户好。”陈静心里想着,感激地冲着那姑娘笑了笑:“太麻烦你们了。”“没什么,我哥怕您不敢来,才让我起来招呼您,其实您也是胆子太小,我就不怕。”说得陈静怪难为情的。 “My brother just came back from taking my sister-in-law to her night shift. He burst into the door and quickly woke me up, saying there was something urgent to do. Now I see what it was.” The girl behind Chen Jing was spitting out the words as fast as a machine gun. “It’s real good to have such private shops running,” Chen Jing thought as she flashed a smile of gratitude to the girl. “I’m afraid I’ve been quite a bother.” “Oh, it’s O. K. You know, my brother asked me to go out and say hello to you, in case you didn’t dare come in. I think you were a bit too shy… I wouldn’t have minded as you.” Chen Jing felt put on the spot.
会者不难,车很快修好了。“多少钱?”陈静打心里希望这小伙子多收她点儿钱。“钱?”小伙子一愣,旋即笑了:“给五块钱吧。”一只大手,满是油污,伸到陈静面前。“五块?敲诈!”陈静心里一惊,却又无可奈何地掏出钱包。“哥——”快嘴的姑娘拉长了声音叫着,“这么晚了,你还开玩笑!”她娇嗔地把那只油污的手打下去,转头对着陈静:“同志,您别多心,他就这样,跟谁都瞎逗。我们又不是开业修车的,哪儿有帮帮忙就要钱的?”姑娘有点不好意思了,脸上泛着红潮。“好了,不开玩笑了。”小伙子搓了搓手,咧开嘴笑着,露出一排洁白整齐的牙齿。 Before long, the bike was fixed. “How much do I owe you?” Chen Jing asked, willing to pay a premium for the late night service. “Money?” The young man was surprised, and then smiled, “O. K. Five yuan.” He held out his greasy hand. “Brother!” the young girl cut in, ready to speak her mind. “It’s so late, and still you’re such a tease!” She slapped down his help-out hand as though angry, and then turned to Chen Jing. “Don’t take hi seriously, comrade. He just likes to tease everyone. We’re not really keeping a bike shop. How could we charge you money for a little help?” The girl blushed shyly. “Well, no more kidding,” the young man chimed in, rubbing his hands. He smiled now from ear to ear, revealing a row of clean, white teeth.
一路上,微风吹着陈静的长发,拂到脸上,怪痒痒的,又很舒服。她觉得今天晚上的路灯格外地亮,亮得耀眼;空气中,也仿佛有种醇美的甜味。啊,你这醉人的春夜! On her way home, the gentle breeze blew Chen Jing’s long hair up around her face. She felt tickled, yet very cozy and comfortable. Tonight, it seemed that the streetlights were dazzlingly bright and the air smelled especially sweet. Ah, what a charming spring night!
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