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这些影片有个共同的名称,就是灾难大片(disaster movie)。
上周五,《全球风暴》(Geostorm)在内地上映 (release),并在周末登顶票房冠军。
Over the past decades, Hollywood has tried its best to “destroy” the world many times on the big screen. Films like this are classified as disaster movies.
The latest such movie to be brought to the Chinese mainland this year, Geostorm was released across the country on Friday and topped the country’s box office charts over the weekend.
这部影片的导演是美国电影人迪安·德夫林(Dean Devlin)。
他出生于演艺世家,从电视剧演员起步,和“灾难片之王”罗兰·艾默里奇(Roland Emmerich)搭档后,凭借在《独立日》(Independence Day)和《哥斯拉》(Godzilla)等担任制片人和编剧声名鹊起。
尽管在好莱坞也是颇有年头的风云人物,《全球风暴》对于今年55岁的德夫林而言,却是他的第一部大银幕导演处女作(directorial debut)。
The movie’s director is American filmmaker Dean Devlin, known for producing and penning Roland Emmerich’s Independence Day and Godzilla.
Devlin began his career in the showbiz industry as a television series actor.
Meanwhile, though Devlin had directed some TV series earlier, Geostorm marks his directorial debut for films.
这位有着一半菲律宾血统的导演曾透露,他拍摄《全球风暴》的灵感来源于多年前,当时他7岁的小女儿在学校听老师讲了气候变化(climate change)有可能引发的危机,很担心,回来问他爸爸:人类能不能造个机器把这个修好呢?
He says his inspiration for the movie came from a chat with his daughter who was then 7.
When his daughter heard about climate change and its subsequent impacts at school, she was worried and asked her father if humankind could build a machine to fix it.
That chat set the tone for Geostorm, a sci-fi story.
In the movie, scientists construct a satellite-based system to control climate. The system, called Dutch Boy, consists of an international climate space station and a series of satellites.
But the system malfunctions and sparks a string of disasters: a village in Afghanistan is frozen; Hong Kong sees part of the city destroyed in a firestorm; and a deadly ice wave sweeps Rio de Janeiro.
地球危在旦夕,至于英国明星杰拉德·巴特勒(Gerard Butler)扮演的科学家如何拯救全人类,就不过多剧透了。
With the Earth then at the point of collapse, the system’s architect, played by British actor Gerard Butler, is assigned to handle the crisis.
以编剧成名的德夫林,自然不会放过自己搞创作的机会。他和另一个编剧保罗·盖特(Paul Guyot)一起,共同创作了《全球风暴》的原创剧本。
Devlin and scriptwriter Paul Guyot co-wrote the script of Geostorm.
早在2006年时,他就曾监制纪录片《谁消灭了电动车》(Who Killed the Electric Car?),这部纪录片有汤姆·汉克斯(Tom Hanks)、梅尔·吉布森(Mel Gibson)等好莱坞巨星加盟,还原了电动车兴衰史。
For the film, Devlin used his knowledge of geoengineering — a science which aims to tackle climate change by removing CO2 from the air or limiting the sunlight reaching the planet — gained when he produced the 2006 documentary Who Killed the Electric Car?, which featured Tom Hanks and Mel Gibson.
而聊到控制天气(control weather),这就涉及到一个新兴而时髦的学科(burgeoning science)——地球工程学(geoengineering)。
所谓地球工程学,英国《卫报》(The Guardian)的环境专栏,是这么解释的:
In an article from The Guardian, geoengineering is explained as a science "aiming to tackle climate change by removing CO2 from the air or limiting the sunlight reaching the planet."
哈佛大学应用物理和公共政策教授戴维·基思(David Keith)认为:“《全球风暴》和地球工程学在科学和政治上的关系,就像《后天》和气候变化在科学和政治上的关系一样,那就是,几乎没有任何关系。”
David Keith, a professor in applied physics and public policy at Harvard University, says: “Geostorm’s relationship to the science and politics of geoengineering seem about as realistic as The Day after Tomorrow’s relationship to the science and politics of climate change. That is, there is almost no relationship.”
罗格斯大学(Rutgers University)的环境科学教授阿兰·罗伯克(Alan Robock)则认为:
“The technology portrayed in the movie, as far as I can tell from the trailer, does not exist, and I know of no way to actually control the weather in the manner indicated. It is pure science fiction. The multiple tornadoes and huge wall of water from the ocean are impossible, given my understanding of climate physics, and clearly were invented to make the movie exciting.”
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