Jooyee | 背部保健 Back Health and Safety

背部保健 Back Health and Safety

背部保健 Back Health and Safety

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背部保健 Back Health and Safety


Your back works all of the time, even when you are asleep. Over time, poor posture, movements and lack of exercise can lead to back problems. You can prevent most back problems if you use your back the correct way and exercise safely.

您的背部随时都在工作,即使在睡觉时也是 如此。随着时间推移,不良的姿势、运动和 缺乏锻炼可能导致背部问题。如果您正确使 用背部且安全地进行锻炼,就能预防大多数 的背部问题。

Your back Your back is made up of bones, discs, muscles, ligaments and nerves. 

• Bones of the spine include 24 bones called vertebrae, and a larger bone called the sacrum or tailbone. These bones form 3 curves. 

• Discs on top of each vertebra are like cushions. Regular exercise helps keep discs healthy. 

• Muscles of the back, stomach, buttock and thigh give support to the back. If these muscles are weak, pulled, or tight, you may have problems with your back. 

• Ligaments are tough elastic bands that hold bones together. Repeated stress on ligaments can lead to injury. 

• Nerves coming from the spine tell muscles when to move and cause pain when there is a problem.

您的背部由骨骼、椎间 盘、肌肉、韧带和神经组成。 

• 脊柱包含24块称为椎 骨的骨骼,以及一块较大的骨骼称为骶骨 或尾椎骨。这些骨骼 形成3个曲线。 

• 每个椎骨顶部的椎间 盘就像缓冲垫。经常锻炼有助于使椎间盘 保持健康。 

• 背部、胃部、臀部和 大腿的肌肉为背部提供支撑。如果这些肌 肉虚弱无力、拉伸或 绷紧时,您的背部可 能出现问题。 

• 韧带是带有韧性的弹性带状物,可使骨骼保持在接合位置。韧带重复受压时,可能 受伤。 

• 从脊柱延伸出的神经向肌肉发出活动指令,并在出现问题时产生疼痛感。

How to keep your back healthy 

Use these tips to keep your spinal curves in balance to decrease your chances of back injury.


参考以下小贴士,使您的脊柱曲线保持均 衡,以降低背部受伤的几率。

When Standing 

Look straight ahead and keep your ears in line with your shoulders. Your hips and knees are straight. The lower curve in your back is present but not curved too much. Limit twisting at the waist. Turn your body by moving your feet.



When Sitting 

Keep your hips, knees and ankles at a 90 degree angle. Sit up straight in a chair. Do not slouch. Use a pillow or rolled up towel if you need support for the lower curve of your spine.


使臀部、膝盖和脚踝呈90度。在椅子上坐直。不要佝偻。如果您脊柱下部 的曲线需要支撑,请使用枕头或卷曲 的毛巾。

When Lying Down 

A firm, but not hard surface best supports the spinal curves. Sleeping on your side with a pillow between your knees is the best position for your back. If you sleep on your back, support your neck on a pillow and have a pillow under your arm. If you sleep on your stomach, use a thin pillow under your stomach and bend one leg to the side.


坚实但不坚硬的表面可为脊柱曲线提供最佳 的支撑。侧卧时在双膝间夹枕头,是对背部 最好的姿势。如果仰卧,用枕头为颈部提供 支撑,并在手臂下放置枕头。如果俯卧,在 胃部垫薄枕头,并将一条腿向侧面弯曲。

When Lifting 

Keep your back straight while bending and lifting. Use your leg and buttock muscles to lift. Bend the hips and knees, not the back, and squat when you lift an object. Keep the object close to your body. Straighten your legs and do not twist as you return to a standing position.


在弯曲和举升过程中,保持背部挺直。运用腿部和臀部肌肉完成举升。弯曲臀 部和膝盖,避免弯曲背部,并且在举升物体时下蹲。使物体保持在靠近身体的 位置。在恢复站立姿势时伸直双腿, 不要扭曲。

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