【名家名译】棋——只想岁月静好,你闹我笑 | Jooyee 聚译网


点击数: 5323

译者 :居祖纯

Playing Chess

Zhang Zengmin



During the days of courtship, he loved to play chess with her, although he found her no match. Yet, it always seemed that two strong opponents were locked in the battle, with the outcome hard to predict and the victory going to this side today and the other side the next day. How this had happened, only he himself knew.



She always moved her pieces very carefully. Once she was in a real crisis. She thought hard for over ten minutes, and turned a nearly certain defeat into a win. She got very excited over this, and he praised her, “You’re really a good player!”



He had told others, “It was chess that served as the tie of our love.”



For a long time after their marriage, they played no chess. One day after supper, she was suddenly struck with the mood for a game. She started looking for the misplaced chess pieces and found them only after she had searched high and low for them.



They started playing, and in a short while she lost three games in succession.



“I must win this game!” she declared, still very enthusiastic. As she started to reset the pieces, a deep frown crept on to his face. He debated with himself for a moment and finally made up his mind. He stood up and, casually pushing aside the chess-board, said, “Enough! There isn’t too much fun…” He was going to blurt out something more, but checked himself.​​​​



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